Day 9

Date: May 24, 2011
Time: 12:12am
Playing on iTunes: "Summer Rain" by Hiromi Urehara

The pit covering the instruments before it starts to rain.
Beautiful but windy day today. I feel like we're in Florida. It's 85 degrees and sunny out all day but we get random 3-minute spurts of thick, heavy, smelly rain. Which really sucked because we had no place to go inside since school was in session. So, as you can see below, we decided to take shelter under an overhang that was very crammed. A few people were not able to fit into the shot but you can tell that there was not any space to move.

This morning, the pit got to be a part of PT (physical training) with the rest of the corps. Luckily today was the day that a former marine was in charge of running PT. So naturally we ran 2 miles and then did a bunch of sprint and different cardio exercises. It felt great afterwards because I never have been worked physically in that way before. Right now I'm pretty sore but I'm ready to do PT again in a couple days. The pit gets in an 'every-other-day' rotation with PT. So come Wednesday, I'll be ready to go again
Later on in the morning we got some more rain. We made sure that everything was tarped and just waited out the storm for about 15 minutes then finally got to move into the band room after the classes were over. By that time there was only 1 hour to rehearse til lunch so our first block was very very short. Then after lunch we had another abbreviated block before ensemble rehearsal.

Ensemble rehearsal tonight was great because we reviewed what we did yesterday which was the first piece of the show. So that is getting better and better everyday. After running through that, we brought back the other pieces of the show and ran through them. First was the percussion feature. That piece is insane, there's so much going on with the drumline and the pit it is incredible. I cannot wait for all of you to see it because it's very very impressive! Once we finished running through that piece it was time for rehearsal to end. Dinner tonight was amazing. The gave us a pork roast with a side of buttery mashed (or baked) potatoes with a dessert of apple crisp. MMMMMMM!! Then we finished and started our Facebook block.

How the hornline lines up their instruments all the time.
"Always look good."
Unfortunately today went on a rampage and went from 800 votes behind to 1400 votes ahead!! LOOK OUT! And after our 3-hour block tonight, we are still down about 1400 votes. Hopefully this is their last push because we really need to get votes to end up on top. YEA! has come up with ideas such as raffling off an iPad at Phillies' game, but you must vote to be part of the raffle. The game was rained out tonight so they'll have to wait til tomorrow, but hopefully that will get us many votes. Here's to trying our best...

Quote of the day: "Take a few seconds to appreciate your life and everything that's a part of it because before you know it, it will be gone."

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