Day 16

Date: May 30, 2011
Time: 11:26pm
Playing on iTunes: "Not the Same" by Ben Folds Five

I have a little caterpillar on my shoe
And HAPPY SHADE DAY!! The pit decided to take shelter since it was going to be brutal with heat today. Although, there was a lot of bugs, so in goes the sunscreen and out comes the bug spray. Good thing I came prepared!! (thanks Dad!) There's been bugs making my vibraphone their home. I'll be playing all morning block and see a bunch of dead bugs at the end...uh oh. My bad.

For lunch, we were given a Memorial Day cookout...burgers, dogs, chicken, tater tots, and apple sause...mmmmm...all of which I ate. After the lunch block we decided to have some fun in the trees...safely. First picture is of all the vibraphone players. Second picture is what we call "Woods in the woods". "Woods" referring to the people who play the keyboard instruments made out of wood, such as the marimbas and xylophone. Last is a picture of the back row of the pit, mainly electronics, synthesizer, timpani, percussion racks, accessories, and such.

Woods in the woods
Back row

Before ensemble at night, we had a snack break in which they gave us fruit, veggies, ranch, bananas, ya know...healthy foods. But no, I decided to go to the second table and proceed to make a peanut butter and jelly chocolate chip pancake...sandwich. I will not post a picture because it is too disgusting to look at but I will tell you first hand that it was a GREAT tasting sandwich. Two pieces of chocolate chip pancakes with chunky Jif peanut butter and Smuckers grape jelly filling. Mmmmmmmmm.... Aside from that great snack, ensemble tonight was great. We're ALMOST done with the second chart (percussion feature). Everything is coming together pretty well. Although tonight's run through was not as good as last night's run through. But not need to worry, we're striving to get better every day.

I just realized that I need to keep up with my book "This Is Your Brain On Music" by Daniel Levitin. I have only got through about 8 pages. I just seem to fall asleep if I'm laying down and reading, probably should change my reading place. Well, I'll get to that. See ya tomorrow!!

Quote of the day: 

John 15:12-14

12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you.

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