Date: June 20, 2011
Time: 2:18am
Playing on iTunes: "Allegro Vivace, Symphony No. 5" by C.M. Widor
Location: Austin, TX
Recent Trip: 220 miles
Today was a brisk 102...a little cooler than yesterday, but it was still EXTREMELY windy. I'm not really sure what's up with Texas. Ever since I've been here it's been way too windy for me. But wind and heat aside, the pit found a cozy little corner to practice in for the morning block. Since this was another show day, it was another short rehearsal day. Two short blocks, then a short ensemble block. But the challenge today was getting to ensemble...
As you can see below, there is a very steep hill that we had to get down to get to the field to rehearse with the rest of the corps. We had to take the long way around near the road, but the thing was is that the ground is extremely unstable and bouncy so it was a very uncomfortable walk over there with my vibe. Mics were falling off, wing nuts were loosening, wheels were getting stuck in crevices. It was not pretty.
But nonetheless, we got down there together in one piece. Ensemble went very quickly aside from the extreme heat. And it was show time again! Man I'm loving this two shows in a row, I think I could get used to this...maybe I should.
Our show was in Round Rock, TX. As similar to the show last night, we were performing with the other top 8 corps from finals last year. They call these shows "G8" shows. They are trying to get more crowds to come to drum corps shows since numbers are sleeping each year which is not good. Seems to me that there are a lot of people coming to these shows, so looks like it is working.
Tonight again was another incredible performance. It definitely did not have the raw energy all the way throughout as a full corps, but as a pit we did perform better than last night which is very rewarding for us. DCI (Drum Corps International) video taped tonight's rehearsal in order to broadcast in theaters tomorrow night the DCI 2011 Tour Premiere. If you are around tomorrow night (6/20) and would like to see our show as well as the other top 8 corps, please go to your local theater and check it out. You will NOT be disappointed.
Another great thing about drum corps is seeing your fellow college classmates performing with other drum corps. It's awesome getting to see them after shows and just catch up on the summer and see how they're all doing. Since there are a lot of UMass kids in drum corps, there's great bonding time between all of us after shows and I absolutely love it.
Next stop: Lubbock, TX
Thought of the Day: "If you have a dream, go for it. Nothing is holding you back but yourself."
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