Day 30

Date: June 14, 2011
Time: 12:25am
Playing on iTunes: Inception Original Soundtrack written by Hans Zimmer

Location: Louisville, KY
Recent Trip: 415 miles

Welcome to Louisville! Today, the corps took over University of Louisville's Cardinal stadium. It was a very important day because when a drum corps gets the opportunity to play in a stadium before a show (let alone anytime) is essential. When playing in a stadium, you hear things differently since all sound bounces back at you instead of just vanishing into the air like at a football stadium. Most competitions are in football stadiums so this is why we try to rehearse in stadiums as much as possible. That way we can make any adjustments with volume and such. It's very rare that a corps rehearses in more than 3 stadiums in a season. So far, we're at one and we haven't hit out first show!! We're on our way!

The pit set up before ensemble rehearsal.
Outside of the stadium were a train (no pun intended) of train cars. Each one was built in a way where you could eat inside or outside on top (balcony). I think this was for tailgaters before the football games. The pit decided to hang on the balcony during a break (below).

Tonight the corps broke a record. We ran through the entire show, top to botton, in uniform, 5 days before the first show. Absolutely incredible. George told us we've never been this ahead of schedule before. And the fact that every run through we do we have to wear uniforms is great because we get another change to perform in uniform so that when the first show comes it's not foreign to us. The uniform is very tight and made of wool so it's very different performing in uniform and a lot more uncomfortable at first.

During breaks throughout the day, I've been starting to do some sit sit ups. Funny huh? Just trying to keep in shape since the pit doesn't do PT anymore. I've also been reading every chance I get. I brought those two books "This is Your Brain on Music" and "The World in Six Songs" by Daniel Leviten. I told myself I would finish them by the end of the summer so I better start now. About 22 pages into the first one...a good start?

Now off to Martin, TN for multiple days of rehearsal in preparation for our first show on Saturday in Saginaw, TX!! See you in the Central time zone!!

Thought of the Day: "Over prepare and go with the flow."

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